Tamara Gutel
Email: tamara@ocfep.com

Tamara Gutel
It was at a girl’s camp at nine years old that I first had the desire to become a missionary and share the greatest story ever told with the world. I heard the stories about new cultures and changed lives and I knew that was what God had planned for me to do with my life. I wanted to share the love of Jesus Christ and bring hope to those without any. I couldn’t jump on a plane in that moment but I did start preparing my life for that of missions. I joined every mission trip my church offered and even some that they didn’t. If I heard the word missions, I had my suitcase packed and sitting by the door. I never missed a chance to get a taste of missions.
I traveled all over Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East sharing about God’s love for us. Yet, I had never before heard the statistics; over one-third of the world has never heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Over one-third of the world does not have a relationship with God, not because they choose not to, but simply because they have never had the chance to know who He is and the precious gift He has given to them. All because they are have not been given the chance to hear.
I knew I had to do something, that I had to be a part of Jesus’ greatest commandment, His final commandment, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. So I went…
I joined Mission One Eleven and my life changed forever. Today I serve as the Executive Director. These past six years of working here have been amazing! I have met with witchdoctors, prayed over the demon-possessed, hiked through jungles, ate strange meats, ate with cannibals, walked through fire and rivers, all to share the Gospel and obey Christ’s final commandment. It is so amazing to travel the world and share the greatest story, God’s story, with those who need hope. I can’t say it’s been easy, but I know it’s been the best part of my life. No matter the cost, I will share the love of my Savior unto the ends of the earth!
Email: tamara@ocfep.com