Three red lines.

We go find unreached or unengaged people groups and share the Gospel! No matter where they are.

We take ordinary young people on a journey to the unreached. First, students dedicate several weeks for training through our main training center in Västanås Sweden or our online learning program.

They’ll learn about unreached people, how to live in a tribe, learn 29 Gospel stories that they will use while in the bush and practice evangelism locally.

Once our students complete the 5 unit course study they become eligible for one of the expeditions. Such as Ethiopia, Nepal, Indonesia, refugee work, and so much more.

Students will meet in country, spend some time in orientation and team building and then head into the field. They will spend anywhere from 2-5 weeks living with the unreached people group, getting to know them and their culture, and then sharing Chronological Storytelling.

This investment into reaching the unreached is a lifetime catalytic experience that changes the way you follow God’s path for you!

The most common question we hear from unreached people is: “If you’ve known this, why has it taken so long for someone to bring this to us?”

The true “mission” of Mission One Eleven is to fulfill the Great Commission and take the Gospel specifically to unreached and unengaged people groups.

Our main goal is search, find, share, spread and then repeat the process.


To join an Expedition, signup to start the classes today.

Group gathered.
Man looking at a helicopter.
Camels sorrouded by nature.
The Assignment cover.
Woman speaking to a family.
Villagers gathered.

Join Us

On an expedition to the unreached either through our training centers or with our pioneers.

Train in Sweden & Travel to the Unreached

Fall 2022

*Due to Covid, we will focusing on our Training Center in Sweden & our pioneer expeditions through Operation 326.

Training and Courses

Study online and get to the missions field in as little as 3 months.


Accelerated Training

A missions program that trains and mobilizes people to reach unreached people groups with the Gospel. Our training program offers an accelerated training to get you into the field quickly.

Study at Your Own Pace

All courses are offered each semester so you can go as fast or as slow as you desire to get into the field.

International Destinations

Once qualified you can choose from many destinations to reach unreached people groups. Such as first contact, storytelling, and church planting, refugees… There are people waiting to hear the Gospel.

Innovated Solutions

Why choose between pursuing higher education and obeying a call to missions? Now you can do both. We’ve partnered with Vanguard University to offer our Mission One Eleven training program as 15 units of free transferable university credit.

Mission One Eleven's Boot Camp or Online Study..
Three white lines.

Training Centers




Visalia (opening soon)

Los Angeles (opening soon)

Mexico (opening soon)

Three white lines.

Classes Offered

Preacher preaching to a large crowd.

Missiology of Unreached People Groups

People walking at a distance.

Spiritual Formation in a Missional Context

Person looking at the camera.

Methods of Orality

Market selling goods.

The Book of Acts

Man and child looking at a distance.

Soul Winning

People walking through long and thick grass.

Mentoring in Missions

Helicopter picking up a missionary.

Overseas Practicum