
We are training up a new generation of helicopter pilots and mechanics to go and find unreached people groups.
Mission One Eleven uses helicopters whenever they are available to seek out and find new unreached people groups.
We are excited about our Mission One Eleven Aviation program.
In 2016, Mission One Eleven began a new strategic partnership with Quantum Helicopters. Our partnership with Neil Jones, owner of Quantum, is to train Mission One Eleven students to become certified helicopter pilots at their facility in Chandler, Arizona. Students who participate in the program dedicate three years to serve in the field with Mission One Eleven.
Our first student Capt. Gehrig Smith completed his training at Quantum Helicopters and became a certified Helicopter pilot and instructor to serve on the Mission Field.
He has completed his missions aviation training under the guidance of Neil Jones and Quantum Helicopters. Gehrig is rising in leadership with Mission One Eleven Aviation and holds monthly meetings to support those who are planning to enter the aviation field.
Our Second pilot who has completed his training Samuel Valentine. Samuel was an aeronautical engineer who had a heart for missions for years and has had a desire to fly since he was a teenager. This opportunity was an answer to a prayer long forgotten. Learning to fly but for a totally different purpose. Samuel just married the girl of his dreams Kalyn, another Mission One Eleven leader with a similar heart for the unreached, and moved to Chandler, Arizona to begin his training.
This year we will launch a Mission One Eleven Helicopter Mechanics Track. This will allow us to bring committed teams to ensure safety, maintenance, and stability of our flight program.
We are also beginning a Base Support track to train those who wish to provide communications support to our pilots on MOE bases in the mission field. Stay tuned for more information as it develops.
Our work with unreached and unengaged people groups demand a constant need to travel to places that are inaccessible by any other means. As a ministry, we feel the need to train up helicopter pilots, mechanics, and base operators to meet the expanding needs of Mission One Eleven expeditions, scouting, locating tribes, escorting missionaries, ferrying MOE teams, relief efforts, rescue operations, and missions service.